Journey & Vision
Nadia Khan and Shakila Chowdhury.
Compassionate professionals deeply immersed in the field of palliative care, they identified a gap in faith-based support and information available to Muslim patients.
After striving independently to address the gap through their work and holding onto a vision for a service that would meet these needs, Nadia and Shakila had the opportunity to cross professional paths and discovered their hearts resonated with a mutual passion to improve the well-being of the Muslim community.
Driven by a sincere desire to gain the pleasure of Allah SWT, this encounter marked the start of Al-Amal—an organisation committed to helping people to understand and make sense of their life-limiting illness experience, with trustworthy support grounded in the Muslim tradition and Islamic value.
Facing a palliative condition and accepting the approaching end of life is an immensely challenging journey. Over the years, Nadia and Shakila have supported numerous individuals facing end-of-life challenges, firmly believing that no one should endure the journey alone.
Aligned with the Islamic value نيه (niyyah), our intentions form the basis of our values, emphasizing Prophet Muhammad's words: "Actions are but by intention."* From this fundamental intention, our values branch out
*Sahih Al-Bukhari
To sincerely serve and support Muslims living with life limiting illnesses. Inspired by the Hadith The Prophet ﷺ said, "A believer to another believer is like a structure each part strengthing the other". The Prophet ﷺ then clasped his fingers together.* We seek to uplift and strengthen you in times of need. We hope to stand by you in faith nurturing our connection with Allah SWT.
*Sahih Al Bukhari
Trust is our top priority. We aim to deliver a service people can rely on—a source for independent, honest advice, and compassionate guidance. Insha'Allah, our goal is to create a strong bond built on trust, ensuring you find confidence and assurance in every connection with Al-Amal.
To attentively listen to everything you would like to share; your thoughts, your feelings are always welcome here. To embrace your emotions, and address your concerns with care, empathy and without judgement. We strive to ensure you feel heard and valued. We want you to find solace in difficult times.
With Allah swt's will we aim to empower you, by providing support and resources that help you navigate the palliative journey with resilience. We are committed to helping you find moments of comfort, connection and meaning. Empowering you to make informed choices that align with your values and faith.
Compassion and kindness guides all our actions. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Every act of kindness is charity.”*
We aim for Al-Amal to be a supportive companion on your journey.
*Sahih Al Bukhari
Following the Islamic principle of accountability, we, at Al-Amal, commit to taking full responsibility for our actions, maintaining transparency in all our dealings and strive for excellence in our work.